Last day for Okt 2011 ..Huk Huk how sad indeed, times flies so fast..sedih sebab banyak impian belum kesampaian? Harapan dan impian?
Whatever life goes on…I share pasal detox today… even suda di akhir-akhir tahun but lets do it daripada tak cuba langsung kan…No word late in life..LATE BETTER THAN NEVER KAN..
Everybody it seems talk and doing a “detox”.
The term “detox” is short for “detoxification” and refers to the process of removing potentially toxic substances from our body.
Enjoy you detox at home…
Type Fasting:-
Pure Water fasting – The quickest and deepest detox
Fruit Juice Fasting
Vegetable Juice fasting
Benefits of Detox…
More Energy
Mentally Alert
Better Quality Sleep
Better Concentration and focus
Emotionally Lighter
High Quality Sleep
Slow Down Ageing
Promotes youthfulness
Improves Healing Processes
Encourages Healthy Weight
Best regards,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Oktober Merah Jambu @ Pink Ribbon
Without counting …we coming to end of Oktober also means we nearly to end of the year 2011, rasanya belum terlambat juga untuk mengingat kembali bulan Oktober adalah bulan “pink Ribbon” maybe ramai yang tahu tapi tidak kurang juga yang tidak alert pasal hal ini.
Apa tu “Pink Ribbon”?
Ia merupakan simbol antarabangsa untuk “Breast Cancer awareness”
Di Malaysia kanser payu daya merupakan pembunuh No 1 wanita
Bulan Oktober di pilih di seluruh dunia untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dikalangan seluruh wanita dan keluarga agar menjaga kesihatan dan peka terhadap segala yang berkaitan dengan payu daya.
Pemeriksaan awal untuk mengenal pasti masalah kesihatan ini haruslah dilakukan agar rawatan segera dapat dilakukan dan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit.
So, let have a good health life….Be ware of breast Cancer…
Best regards,
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Worried @ Risau tahap GABAN..
Errrm..macam mana mo start ahh..saya betul-betul dilemma sekarang..then tertanya-tanya bilakah saya akan sembuh dari dua luka pembedahan knee yang baru saya hu.
Saya akui memang saya jenis yang lambat respond kepada any meds tapi what can I say suda doctor bilang sistem imun lemah (sedia maklum) nah apa lagi, bukan saya tidak admit tapi hayaiia sakit hati bila tengok kekawan yang sama-sama buat operation dulu dan suda sembuh suda mampu berjalan tanpa tongkat, tambah sakit hati mereka-mereka tu status aunty kepada saya rata-rata suda berumur 50 tahun over nah ambik ko.. tapi hakikatnya mereka bukannya penghidap RA sakit sendi yang kronik macam aku,the aunty-aunty tukar sendi lutut sebab kehausan (osteoporosis) mungkin ramai yang kureng faham but atleast during punya antibodi yang kuat dan tidak punya apa-apa masalah tambahan hati terseksa bila mendengar dari parents saya cakap tengok durang suda buli jalan…huh, jadi saya mahu salahkan siapa atas kejadian yang menimpa diri saya, bukannya saya tidak berusaha untuk sembuh cepat…3 hari lepas operation sya suda mampu berjalan menggunakan I am yang paling corot (last) pula..lambat tul tindakan penyembuhan. Tuhan ja yang tahu kerisauan hati saya sepatutnya sekarang saya suda boleh berjalan sedikit demi sedikit atleast progress tu ada.
Namun demikian hati saya terusik…KENAPA dan KENAPA happpend to me? What I can do now ois SABAR dan SABAR…belum abis cerita luka sembuh…new story came..Jeng Jeng pa lagi!!!!!
Kisah sendi saya pula mengambil tempat dan inilah IBU kepada segala masalah kesihatan yang menimpa diriku selama ini, sad to say masih aktif menyerang means penyakit ini kalo tidak dikawal entah apa lagi diserang , jari-jari menjadi bengkak dan akhirnya membengkok dan begitu juga sendi-sendi lain akan sakit dan sangat sakit..waduhh jahat juga ni penyakit.memang kadang kala ..SPEACHLESSS…tulah ungkapan paling ngam all this while saya suda bertahan..tapi sebagai insan biasa kadang kala goyah juga imanku.
Dipilih oleh yang berkuasa untuk melewati pencobaan hidup yang begitu hebat(bunyi urang kecewa tahap iron man sob..sob)kena terima dengan lapang dada.
Dengan keaktifan penyakit sendi ku ini aku telah disarankan ubat baru yang diberi nama “HUMIRA”…sejauh mana keberkesanan masih dalam percubaan tapi di Negara urang putih penggunaannya sudah meluas ( saya join champgain awareness RA)
Ia sejenis suntikan ke bahagian perut dan paha (suntikan pertama 24 okt 2011), tapi tambah risau bila ubat ini dikatakan akan bertindak melemahkan sistem imuniti sebagai tindakbalas melawan sakit sendi JADI??? Macammana dengan luka pembedahan yang belum sembuh lagi bukankah perlu antibody yang kuat untuk penyembuhan luka kalo rendah antibodi saya bilalah luka saya buli sembuh?beberapa bulan lagi or tidak akan sembuh? doc RA sudi check ok kunu luka teda masalah buli proceed adedei harap2lah risau tahap gaban juga ni harap-haraplah teda infection berlaku pada luka saya ni sebab ni bukan luka biasa tau ada masuk implant besi tau RM8,500 harganya mai ha ha,macam-macam suda sya lalui tapi untuk kebaikan di masa depan harung ja la,saya pun tidak kisah injection dan operation semua macam tida saja sekarang (action,padahal masi takut juga ha ha) takut juga dengan kesan sampingan sebab sekarang ni macam tanda-tanda gatal-gatal seluruh badan suda mula menapak…Tulunglah…nah kan tidak kah saya menjadi terlalu risau kerna hal-hal ini dan paling risau pasal luka knee la..
Apapun saya berharap kerisauan ni pasti berpenghujung…dan akan sembuh sedikit masa lagi then..can continue my life…rindu bangat dengan apa yang saya suda lama tinggalkan…opis dan kawan-kawan dan banyak lagi cita-cita yang tersimpan dalam hati..jumpa lagi
Best regards,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tusday words
Best regards,
Best regards,
There a few test to perform before any action done to confirm the treatment like x-ray, CT scan and MRI, for the time being MRI scan is most effective to see everything inside our body.i had done MRI before ….For those who not dealing with any health problem sure not understand what kind of MRI.
What is an MRI scan?
An MRI (or magnetic resonance imaging) scan is a radiology technique that uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images of body structures.
The MRI scanner is a tube surrounded by a giant circular magnet. The patient is placed on a moveable bed that is inserted into the magnet.
The magnet creates a strong magnetic field that aligns the protons of hydrogen atoms, which are then exposed to a beam of radio waves. This spins the various protons of the body, and they produce a faint signal that is detected by the receiver portion of the MRI scanner.
The receiver information is processed by a computer, and an image is produced.
When are MRI scans used?
An MRI scan can be used as an extremely accurate method of disease detection throughout the body. In the head, trauma to the brain can be seen as bleeding or swelling.
It provides valuable information on glands and organs within the abdomen, and accurate information about the structure of the joints, soft tissues, and bones of the body.
Often, surgery can be deferred or more accurately directed after knowing the results of an MRI scan.
What is an MRI scan?
An MRI (or magnetic resonance imaging) scan is a radiology technique that uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images of body structures.
The MRI scanner is a tube surrounded by a giant circular magnet. The patient is placed on a moveable bed that is inserted into the magnet.
The magnet creates a strong magnetic field that aligns the protons of hydrogen atoms, which are then exposed to a beam of radio waves. This spins the various protons of the body, and they produce a faint signal that is detected by the receiver portion of the MRI scanner.
The receiver information is processed by a computer, and an image is produced.
When are MRI scans used?
An MRI scan can be used as an extremely accurate method of disease detection throughout the body. In the head, trauma to the brain can be seen as bleeding or swelling.
It provides valuable information on glands and organs within the abdomen, and accurate information about the structure of the joints, soft tissues, and bones of the body.
Often, surgery can be deferred or more accurately directed after knowing the results of an MRI scan.
My special BUDDY
Bicycle cute...
Lately I have been a hard time writing, I can’t thing of any topic or events seem all too similar my daily life to update my blog. I admit to have a bit of writing block Ha ha (I hope not) This is maybe everyday facing of very tiring days…went to review to hospital is my daily routine, I hate to review for RA clinic, I also don’t understand why the doctor took soooooooooo long to see a patient, waiting the number serve is one thing, waiting outside with cooling of air-conditioner also the matter for me. Recently I came around 10 am and you all know I serve by the doctor around 2 pm can you image how long I sat outside I also not like the doctor ( macamlah I got choice to choose), it terrible things for me, my mind became stress, many things came across in my mind but again what I can do just wait and wait… patience sometimes up to boarder line..Tried actually, I also pity to my parents who patience to accompany during my review this two year...nothing I can said...we usually skip our lunch hu.
I had done my knee replacement twice which in June and September 2011, both of my knee still not properly function. And now I still not full recovery, I still cant work properly...and lately I haven’t go to physiotherapy that maybe why my knee still cannot proper function..
I ask my dad to buy cute bicycle cost RM110.00 ( Eshan money from my younger Brother..TQ) for physiotherapy purpose yippee…I hope this bicycle can help my knee to fast recovery and function normal as before, I did my own physo at home.
I love my is part of my buddy and life now…
Lately I have been a hard time writing, I can’t thing of any topic or events seem all too similar my daily life to update my blog. I admit to have a bit of writing block Ha ha (I hope not) This is maybe everyday facing of very tiring days…went to review to hospital is my daily routine, I hate to review for RA clinic, I also don’t understand why the doctor took soooooooooo long to see a patient, waiting the number serve is one thing, waiting outside with cooling of air-conditioner also the matter for me. Recently I came around 10 am and you all know I serve by the doctor around 2 pm can you image how long I sat outside I also not like the doctor ( macamlah I got choice to choose), it terrible things for me, my mind became stress, many things came across in my mind but again what I can do just wait and wait… patience sometimes up to boarder line..Tried actually, I also pity to my parents who patience to accompany during my review this two year...nothing I can said...we usually skip our lunch hu.
I had done my knee replacement twice which in June and September 2011, both of my knee still not properly function. And now I still not full recovery, I still cant work properly...and lately I haven’t go to physiotherapy that maybe why my knee still cannot proper function..
I ask my dad to buy cute bicycle cost RM110.00 ( Eshan money from my younger Brother..TQ) for physiotherapy purpose yippee…I hope this bicycle can help my knee to fast recovery and function normal as before, I did my own physo at home.
I love my is part of my buddy and life now…
Friday, October 7, 2011
Ubat Kesayangan ramai
Panadol @paracetamol adalah sejenis ubat yang paling popular di seluruh dunia, bahkan di negara kita juga ia adalah sejenis ubat yang tersangat popular , sebut saja apa jenis penyakit pastinya panadol jadi pilihan untuk mengurangkan kesakitan dari sakit kepala, pening,demam, sakit gigi,migraine,sakit pinggang dan sebagainya..untuk penyakit yang murah-murah (ringan) mungkin ubat ini boleh membantu tetapi untuk penyakit yang kronik kenalah berjumpa doktor…jadi pesanan sentiasalah membawa panadol di mana pun anda berada…
Salam sihat sedunia..
Salam sihat sedunia..
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Not same..........
P/S Slightly same but diffrent....::)))
P/S Slightly same but diffrent....::)))
Saturday, October 1, 2011
End- tail Typhoon Nesat. was here...
It was scary for us here...the end-tail typhoon from Luzon, Filipina was here on morning 27 September 2011...(4.45 am)with wind and heavily raining...
(Kandang ayam)
p/s : sorilah tidak sempat ambil byk foto..suda di bersihkan
(Kandang ayam)
p/s : sorilah tidak sempat ambil byk foto..suda di bersihkan
Happy Birthday to My Daddy...
Today my dad turn to 65 years old...was born on 01 Oktober 1946.
Honestly i am not very closed to my dad compare my mum...anyhow tq GOD to sent us such wonderful Man in our life...I am glad for having him as my daddy...
Wishing him a very good life ahead with good good health and can live many many years.(I wish for everyone)
No suitable word can i explain how much I Love You...and u means a lot to our family..Thank you for everything you have done for me..
Happy Birthday pa (man in blue ::))
Honestly i am not very closed to my dad compare my mum...anyhow tq GOD to sent us such wonderful Man in our life...I am glad for having him as my daddy...
Wishing him a very good life ahead with good good health and can live many many years.(I wish for everyone)
No suitable word can i explain how much I Love You...and u means a lot to our family..Thank you for everything you have done for me..
Happy Birthday pa (man in blue ::))
Unfade memory- childhood memory
Yipee...even times files but not everything was changes..I still hope i can keep my childhood dress as long as i can as my unfade memory....
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