Sunday, September 11, 2011
Unexplain Feeling
Here again my sharing of life, unexplained feeling indeed, my tears run down from my cheeks. It happened on 08 Sept 2011, me and my parents went to Queen for review at clinic orthopedic (bone), actually my next review in on 06 October but due to my bad condition lately my mum suggest to come early. I think today is the bad day for all my review the specialist doc Mr. Baskaran on MC today, how frustrating I am the other doctor cannot make any decision for me, I plan to do booked for the next operation. After seeing the general doctor (not interested to know his name) but its Indian guy, I feel sad because I really not impress how he treat me as well, I also noted that the operation schedule is so pack till end of the year but I still hoping I can booked at least I am waiting something for sure for next mission, Lately I really cant bear my pain it terrible and came this appoiment with full of hope. I leave the rooms with frustrating face. Anyway I can still smile to the Nurse Enikah , she convince me that have any chance everyway.
We arrived at home almost 2 pm. Tired and sleepy as well, I plan to take a nap but suddenly around 2.25pm, my phone was rang, I saw that a new number appeared, early I did think that I should not pick up the phone but then I make it, it was so surprising for me it was from Dr. Baskaran, wow I can feel that my heart beating being stop a while like saya menang Jackpot Ha Ha, I did happy but many things came cross my mind. Tidak tau mo cakap apa , one words unbelived, this is a great opportunity then I have to grabbed it.
My conversation with the doc:
Doc Baskaran : Hello , ini dr bas , ini airin ka?
Me : iya saya
Doc : Saya teda di clinic today, sya kurang sihat..But ko mau operation ka next
Week Rabu?
Me: (Without thinking and asking) I sad YES
That how it happened, I really can’t think, I do wish to do the operation early but not this time, I am not ready both mental and psychical. I just leave hospital only just three month and now for sure I will there again, my parents was shocked but surely they happy for me, it just like my dream come true.
From what was happened today I believed all my prayer also my mum and family answer by GOD, I know he always there for me, he will make a way seems to be no way. I fear to face it again but I hope I can cope with it. GOD helping me in his own way.
This is the last entry before I go to admit in hospital. I only hope one thing that everything is goes well and get well very very soon,
P/s: need pray from all of you out there.
Tiba- tiba terdetik di hati saya ingin bercakap soal teman/ kawan/sahabat tidak kiralah bestfriend kah, teman dari kecil ,teman se- university dan teman sekerja.
Rasanya setiap insan di dunia ini mempunyai ramai teman yang berada jauh dan dekat, bila kita pergi ke sesuatu tempat yang baru pastinya kita berkenalan dengan kawan baru dan persahabatan pun bermula tapi adakah kawan kita itu betul-betul memang yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai kawan?…fikir2kan lah
Namun seperti yang kita biasa dengar teman ketawa senang untuk di cari tetapi teman menangis..memang susah nak dapat so dari situ kita akan faham siapa sebenarnya teman yang sejati ehhhwa…:)
Untuk menguji siapa teman menangis kita bukanlah susah, apabila musibah yang tidak dijangka berlaku ke atas diri kita tanpa kita pinta semua akan terjawab…
Contoh paling dekat ialah apabila kita di timpa masalah kewangan atau kesihatan , sakit yang teruk dan perlukan masa untuk sembuh, dari situ kita tahu siapa sebenarnya kawan, siapa mereka yang sudi melawat kita? Bertanya khabar? memberi kata-kata semangat agar cepat sembuh even a simple SMS sudah cukup tapi tidak semua manusia ingat untuk melakukkan itu.
Kita semua alpa dengan kesibukan hidup masing2,Kita sering lupa bahawa apa yang kita miliki dengan sekelip mata sahaja akan mudah di ambil oleh pencipta kita,kekayaan yang kita miliki, kemewahan, kegembiraan dan pastinya kesihatan sebab setiap sesuatu yang bermula darinya pasti kembali kepadanya. Tiada yang kekal di dunia ini semua adalah pinjaman semata-mata.
Oleh itu, beringatlah kepada mereka yang dalam keadaan tidak sempurna dan melalui saat kesusahan dalam hidup mungkin mereka memerlukan anda tanpa anda sedari sebagai teman..bagi mereka yang tergolong dalam jenis teman tersebut ( mula lupa teman atau pura-pura lupa dan sentiasa merasakan diri sibuk dan tiada masa)selamat beringat dan renungkannya(peringatan untuk diri sendiri)
p/s tiada kaitan kepada yang hidup atau sudah pergi Cuma perkongsian semata-mata..eppy reading.
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